February 19th, 2010 § § permalink
I used to have 97 things, now I have 75. Here’s why.
Written by Everett Bogue | Follow me on Twitter.
It’s been awhile since I counted how many objects I own, so I was surprised when I got everything out today.
I only have 75 things.
This is excellent, I was pretty sure Christmas had run me over 100, but apparently I’ve cultivated a natural habit of reduction. For every object I acquire, I lose two.
If you think 75 things seems like not a lot of stuff to have, Leo Babauta is now living with 50 things. I’m envious.
Where my stuff went.
I probably got rid of 15 things when I left Portland for Chicago. I gave away some stuff in Chicago to my siblings. When I moved out of my old apartment in Brooklyn to the one I’m staying in now, I also gave away a bunch of stuff that I realized I didn’t need.
Giving away my stuff is very liberating.
The reason I gave everything a count today was because I’m guest starring on my friend Rachel Solomon’s personal finance show on Plentii, Always: Money (first stop Plentii, next stop …Oprah?) They asked me to bring all of my stuff into Rachel’s home studio today at 1:30 (which, granted is only 10 blocks away, or I wouldn’t have agreed to haul my stuff.) I’ll be sure to let you know when the segment goes live. I’m really honored to have the opportunity to do this video, as I’ll be able to share with more people how to live with less.
When you have 75 things, you can move your home in fifteen minutes. Isn’t that cool?
The shape of things to come.
This is also good to know, because I’m moving again soon. My girlfriend and I are taking off to San Francisco Bay on May 15th, where we’ll probably get an apartment in Oakland or Berkeley (leaning towards Oakland.) The original plan was to move to Seattle, but after a lot of thought and discussion, we decided that SF was more our style right now. Of course, if we end up not liking it, we’ll just move somewhere else!
Because California is warmer, I anticipate being about to get rid of many of these winter-specific items in my wardrobe. I can’t wait to say goodbye to winter.
I should be able to cut down my possessions to less than 50 things before we relocate to San Francisco in May.
My 75 things.
Please note, I do not count books. As you may already know, I read a book a week. I have around 15 books at the moment, which I try to get rid of as soon as I read them.
I’m also not counting shared items such as cooking stuff, furniture, etc. We don’t really have much shared stuff, and we’re going to sell most of it before the move.
I also don’t count electrical cords and USB cables as things. I kind of wish technology would power itself and connect wirelessly actually, because cords are annoying.
I also still have my old Macbook that died two weeks ago (I had to buy a new one.) I’m going to try and sell it for spare parts next week, or recycle it.
Here is my list of 75 things:
- Frye Boots
- Dr. Martin Boots
- Winter coat
- Jeans
- Tweed jacket
- Army jacket
- Black jacket
- Leather jacket
- Jean jacket
- Grey hoodie
- Pink hoodie
- Grey sweatpants
- Brown sweatpants
- Hiking socks
- Hiking socks
- Hiking socks
- Hiking socks
- Hiking socks
- Ski socks
- Wool Socks
- Socks
- Socks
- Grey underwear
- Grey underwear
- Grey underwear
- Grey underwear
- Grey underwear
- Red underwear
- Red underwear
- Blue underwear
- Black underwear
- Brown T-shirt
- Blue V-Neck
- Grey V-Neck
- Grey V-Neck
- Grey T-Shirt
- Black V-Neck
- Green Longsleeve
- Grey Longsleeve
- Grey Longsleeve
- Purple Longsleeve
- Soft grey shirt
- Long underwear
- Long underwear
- Scarf
- Gloves
- Everest Hat
- Green tank
- Purple tank
- Black tank
- Grey tank
- Grey tank
- Swimming Trunks
- Tent
- Sleeping bag (In Chicago)
- Travel Towel
- Yoga Mat
- 1 TB Harddrive
- 500 GB Harddrive
- Macbook Pro 13inch
- Canon Digital Rebel XTI
- 16-35mm 2.8L Lens
- 50mm Lens
- Off-camera Flash
- Headphones
- iPhone
- Moleskin
- Small Sewing kit
- Flashlight
- Business cards
- Silver pen
- Camera bag
- Laptop bag
- Backpackers pack
- Bike lock
How did I start living with 75 things?
I get a lot of emails from people saying ‘wow, how did you start living with so little?’ The answer is simple: I wanted freedom. I want to be able to move whenever I feel the need. I wanted to quit my day job and work for myself. I did this in August of last year, when I jumped on a plane to Portland. I discuss a lot of the details earlier in this blog’s history, and also in The Art of Being Minimalist.
There are so many advantages of restricting yourself to less than 100 things.
- Freedom to move whenever you want.
- You can opt out of the endless cycle of consumerism.
- People give you wine as gifts, instead of stupid plastic thingies.
- You have less impact on the planet.
- You can focus on the important, instead of doing housework.
There are obviously many more reasons why it’s a great idea to live with less. Can you think of any good reasons? Leave them in the comments!
I have an interview coming up on Monday with Chris Guillebeau of The Art of Non-Conformity. We talked about strategies for running a Very Small Business. I’m really excited about this interview, Chris is a brilliant writer and businessman. Don’t miss it! Sign up to receive free updates via EMAIL or RSS.
January 22nd, 2010 § § permalink
There’s a good chance that your life’s work is holding you back
Written by Everett Bogue | Follow me on Twitter.
From an early age you’ve been indoctrinated into a society that values things above people.
We are what we own, or so you’ve been told.
They all told you that you wanted the two-car garage. They told you to fill one side with stuff you couldn’t fit inside your house. Indeed, one quarter of all Americans have a two-car garage in this condition.
The stuff just sits there. You walk by it, and wish that it would disappear. Secretly you wish someone would burn your two-car garage down, so you won’t have to make the decision to get rid of that clutter.
We find so many ways to keep us from reaching our potential. Stuff is just one of those ways. We don’t want to deal with the harsh reality of our lives, the fact that we haven’t really done anything important.
So we refocuse all of our attention on the endless burden of resorting our stamp collection.
A friend of mine, the brooklyn hip-hop artist D.O.V. of Verbal Graffiti, repeatedly loses his life work every couple of years. In 2003 his house burned down. In 2009 his laptop was stolen from his living room without a trace, containing years of un-backed-up recordings.
The loss is always devastating to him. He tells himself that this is the end of his career and he’ll never make another beat again.
But this wasn’t the case, there was no devastating repercussions. Six months after the loss of his computer he had a new album on the streets.
The beats weren’t on his computer, they were in him. By clearing away all the years of junk on his computer–all of the beats that never had any potential, but he continued to mess with,–he was able to free himself to create a new album.
A clean slate can be a powerful drive to create.
What if you were able to harness this ability for a lifetime?
D.O.V. is DJing a dance party in Bushwick Brooklyn on Saturday (tomorrow, Jan 23. 2010 10pm-4am) night. If any readers are in Brooklyn, the details are here. I’ll be there and I’d love to meet you.
January 15th, 2010 § § permalink
You can’t make anyone but yourself become minimalist.
Written by Everett Bogue | Follow me on Twitter
Over the last couple of months I’ve received a number of comments and tweets from people who want to share their minimalist ambitions with their spouse or their entire family.
Some were so enthusiastic, they wanted to make all of their friends minimalists too!
This is great, I love that people are so enthusiastic.
However, the idea of making other people minimalist is a difficult question.
Many people relate to objects differently. I’ve met people who live with nothing, and are perfectly content. I’ve met people who would kill themselves if they lost everything — even if this would inevitably lead to them being freer.
Many people still subscribe to the (antiquated, in my opinion) mentality that we are what we own. It’s can be hard to change these minds.
So, here’s my suggestion:
Don’t worry about the other people. You can’t force them to be minimalists.
Instead, set a good example with yourself.
Adopt a 30 day rule for your stuff, get rid of all your stuff and start to live with 100 things.
Don’t bother your boyfriend about his pile of dusty CDs. Focus all of that effort you’re directing at another person into freeing your own life.
Lead by example.
Show the people who you wish were less attached to their stuff how free you’ve made your own life.
Consider starting a blog documenting your progress becoming a minimalist. This can only help communicate your intentions. Join a growing community of amazing bloggers writing about being minimalist.
With any luck your partner, your kids, and your friends will start to embrace the idea of lessening their connection to their material possessions, and begin to adopt a freer lifestyle.
Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed this post, consider receiving free updates via email or RSS.
January 13th, 2010 § § permalink
The hardest element in any relationship is having the ability to let it go when it ends.
Written by Everett Bogue | Follow me on Twitter.
It’s incredibly hard to let go. I know so many people who have so much trouble with letting go that they have houses full of stuff they haven’t used in ten years. They’ve stayed in a job they don’t enjoy, just because. Or they keep crying over relationships that ended months ago.
It’s difficult to say goodbye.
This article is mostly about stuff, but this can apply to people and places and jobs that left us a tiny bit scarred.
It takes courage to stop dwelling and move to new terrain.
Forty five things in a box in a closet you haven’t touched in five years is one thing you might need to let go. Hanging out with those friends who always get you into trouble is another. Driving a car just because you always have can be something you can let go as well. Maybe you need to let go a snack food.
It takes courage to give something up, I understand that. Trust me, I’ve had plenty of my own personal battles with letting go of people, places and things. I imagine most people have.
One of the traits that most successful people share is the ability to know when to move on.
Because this is a problem that all of us face, I’ve taken time to prepare a list of 46 ways to let go of the old. I’m sure I left something out. I’m sure most of these won’t work for everyone. However, maybe one or two of these will stick and help you let go of something.
…this way you can make room for the new.
46 ways you can let go.
- Throw it away.
- Give it away.
- Recycle it.
- Tell it to go home.
- Make a list of things you’d rather have, or be doing.
- Don’t let yourself see it for a month.
- Don’t keep anything you don’t use or see at least once a month.
- Make a diagram of everywhere you spend your time.
- Eliminate time suckers.
- Trade one thing or activity for another that you like better.
- Throw it into the ocean (if it won’t hurt the fish).
- Break it.
- Tell someone to take it away.
- Sell it to someone who needs it.
- Turn it into artwork.
- Display it at an art gallery.
- Get a second opinion.
- Limit yourself to 100 things.
- Burn it on your roof or backyard.
- Tell it you love it, but you can’t be together.
- It’s you, it’s me.
- Throw a party and tell everyone to take something home with them.
- Bury it in the backyard so an archeologist can dig it up in 2000 years and think it’s more important than it actually is.
- Give it to your mom.
- Reinvent it as something new and interesting.
- Email a picture of it to me and ask if it’s worth keeping (my answer is usually no.)
- Acknowledge that it’s hurting you.
- Think about what ultimate freedom means to you.
- Contemplate your minimalist destination.
- Give it to someone who has nothing.
- Put it in an outbox.
- Bury it on the side of a mountain and tell no one.
- Leave it on the subway.
- Take a picture of it.
- Post that picture on craigslist.
- Drop it off the side of a building at night, and then clean it up first thing in the morning.
- Destroy it and hang it from the ceiling.
- Mail to to a random person in the phone book.
- Sell it and donate the money to a cause that you believe in.
- Leave it in a box on your doorstep, with a sign that says ‘free’.
- Take a vacation from it all.
- Stay at a friend’s house for a week.
- Take it to your recycling center free box.
- Tweet #minimalist and ask if you should keep it.
- Move somewhere you’ve always wanted to live.
- Take only a backpack.
What do you need to let go? Let me and many remarkable readers of Far Beyond The Stars know in the comments!
“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.†-Lao Tzu
Just in case you’re not following me on Twitter, you might have missed this! Yesterday I wrote a guest post at Naomi Seldin’s blog Simpler Living: 6 Simple Ways to Eat More Healthfully. Give it a read if you’re interested in some simple food tips.
December 28th, 2009 § § permalink
Written by Everett Bogue | Follow me on Twitter
I know how hard it can be to make the decision to give up material possessions.
There is always this little voice in the back of your head saying ‘I might need this someday!’
I had to give up a couple of things, when I was reducing the stuff I owned to less than 100 things when I moved to Portland earlier this year.
That little voice has a point, everything ‘could’ be useful someday. However, I’ve known people with rooms filled with stuff that they ‘could use someday’, but they never do.
Do you have rooms like this? Most of us have a closet like this, some of us have a box like this.
The problem with this mentality is that when you save everything ‘just in case’ these objects end up gradually taking more and more time away from you.
When you continue to gather stuff that you’re not using in this moment, you end up spending time cleaning, sorting, and organizing. I’ve known people who spend every free hour of their life, when they’re not eating or working, sorting through stuff they ‘might use someday.’
If you are living like this I really believe you should take action to change your life situation around now.
Some people can even convince themselves that this daily organizational duty is not a burden. I can understand that view, possessions can have a powerful control over the mind. You’ve invested your money these things, you’ve invested your time in creating a wonderful world for your things to live in. It’s only natural for a feeling of obligation to your things to spring up in your mind.
You have to fight it that sense of obligation to your things. Don’t be a prisoner to your possessions.
The time to make a change and overcome your slavery to the material world is now.
Here are a few simple methods that I’ve developed for people to learn to say goodbye to the objects that they love, but don’t use anymore.
- Create an outbox. The simplest and easiest way to start a healthy habit towards your stuff is to create an outbox. Find a cardboard box and place it near a junk problem area. Just place one object after another into the box. Let the box sit for a month (or a week, but sometimes that can be painful.) Did you need to go back for any of the objects? Well, you probably don’t really need them. You can apply this outbox philosophy to any of the methods below.
- Get a second opinion. Sometimes it can help to get a friend to give a second opinion. Make sure this is someone who can impartial, someone who is not family or a significant other. Ask them to give you an honest opinion as you are sorting through your stuff. Ask them questions like ‘do you think this object is useful to me?’ and ‘do you think I will use this object in the next year?’ or ‘Do you think this old ratty lamp I’ve been saving since 1979 looks cool?’ This impartial person will give you an honest opinion, and this can give you the perspective you need to make the decision to free yourself of your belongings.
- Observe how much time you spend with your possessions. Start a notebook and record every interaction you have maintaining your stuff for one week. Do this with everything, even when you take an overflowing bag of old knitting supplies you haven’t used since second grade off of a chair and place it on the floor. That counts. After a week tally up the result. If this result is 10 hours, that’s 520 hours you will spend this year organizing your crap. That’s 5,200 hours over the next 10 years. Think about how much money you could earn in 5,200 hours of not sorting your stuff, or how much time you could spend at the beach.
- Have someone get rid of them for you. Sometimes it might be easier just to not have to watch. Hire an impartial person (this is no job that should go unpaid…) to go through your stuff and make a series of boxes which contain your stuff. Place these boxes in a closet for one month. During that month make a list of things you think are in the boxes, and need for whatever reason. At the end of the month you are allowed to retrieve the items that you knew were in there, the rest have to go. You’ll be surprised just how much stuff you forgot was in the boxes, and hopefully this will help to break your bond with them.
- Declare bankruptcy in the material world. Sometimes it’s all just too much. Pack a bag of 100 things, and just leave. Go to Costa Rica and sit on a beach for a month, it will do you some good. While you’re gone, arrange for someone to have an estate sale for you — give them a percentage of the sale. The rest of the proceeds can go towards your trip to Costa Rica.
- Give them to someone who can use them. It can help, both you and other people, if you give your stuff to a place that will use them to help people in need. In some cities you can arrange for the Salvation Army or other object-oriented charity to drop by your house with a truck and load up all of your stuff for you.
- Spend a significant amount of time away. Make yourself so busy for a month that you don’t have time to sort your stuff. You will see just how much attention they take from you. Your bedroom or house will fall into disrepair in this month. It’ll be really gross, people will think you’re insane. But by the end of the month you’ll recognize just how of your life your stuff is taking from you.
- Set a goal that you can’t achieve without being free. You probably have some dream that you want to achieve that is being made inconceivably expensive by your stuff. Say you wanted to study aboard in France for the summer? If you have lots of stuff, you’ll have to keep paying for your apartment, and an apartment in France. This makes studying impossible, because you’ll not be able to earn money to pay for your apartment full of stuff while you’re studying. Set a goal that’s impossible to achieve without get rid of your stuff. This will give you the incentive to become free.
Your stuff is probably a prison, and in many cases it’s not your friend.
It’s keeping you from achieving real change in your life, and the time to take action is now.
Don’t wait, now is the time to make a change in your life. You can achieve minimalist freedom. You can live with 100 things.
This future is possible, but only you can make it a reality.
“The things you own end up owning you.†– Tyler Durden
If you enjoyed this story, share it with someone you know who it could help. Thank you!
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December 14th, 2009 § § permalink
Before I work on an important project with a person, I like to get a good look at their kitchen sink. This is sometimes difficult to accomplish, but it is worth the extra effort. I’ll try to get myself invited over to their house, if that fails I’ll try peering into their kitchen window.
Why do I do this? Because a person’s kitchen sink is a fundamental judge of their character.
A person can disguise many of their inadequacies. They can fake it until they make it with reputation, showmanship, and publicity.
But, it’s really hard to fake the fact that you can’t do your dishes.
Those dishes are right there in the sink and they are dirty.
I know this because I’ve lived with a lot of people in the past. At one point I was living with ten people in Brooklyn, in a huge old school house that was awesome. These roommates would come and go, and so over the 2.5 years I probably lived with 35-40 people. I realize this sounds crazy, but it was a big house, and these were some of the most remarkable people that I’ve ever known.
That being said, some of them didn’t know how to do dishes, so I observed them.
Based on simple observation, and the fact that I used the kitchen at least twice a day, it was easy to cross-reference dish washing ability with other personality traits.
[Update]Please note, I’m being a little silly here. Don’t take me too seriously. I do believe doing the dishes is beneficial, but I got a little carried away in how I explained things. Please forgive the slightly humor that attempted poorly to employ.
People who do their dishes immediately after eating are:
- Generally happier
- Accomplish more with their lives
- Are less overwhelmed by life
- Make more money
People who don’t do their dishes are:
- Constantly struggling to keep up
- Have trouble dealing with clutter in their lives
- Have panic attacks more often
- Are sometimes depressed
This is by no means a scientific study, but I believe the findings could be proven scientifically if a scientist were to study them.
You might be thinking that this blog post doesn’t apply to you, because you live alone and have a dishwasher. However, I’ve had experience living with people who have dishwashers, and you can simply change the heading above to ‘People who don’t put their dishes in the dishwasher are:’ and you get the same results.
Actually, if you do own a dishwasher, I’d like you to consider not using it for awhile.
Learning to wash dishes can have a profound effect on your approach to a minimalist life. If you adopt the habit of taking personal responsibility for the mess you create after every meal, this important habit will carry over in to other aspects of your life.
The reason that dish washing has such a profound effect on character.
Doing dishes is a basic habit that crosses into many other areas of your life. Chances are, if you can’t do dishes, you also can’t clean out your closet, or you can’t say no to buying a third car.
This is why the first step of trying to become a minimalist is to start with the kitchen sink.
This is a practical way to create a habit that will benefit you for the rest of your life, and all it involves is the simple choice to do your dishes immediately after every meal. If that seems like an impossible task, try doing your dishes before you go to bed. That being said, I’d like you to gradually work up the ability to clean your dishes within fifteen minutes of eating.
How to do dishes to create a more focused minimalist life.
- Make the decision now to start doing your dishes after every meal. This is the most important step, don’t let yourself off the hook. Take the time to do the dishes now, and you won’t have to do them later.
- Take pride in doing other people’s dishes. When you live with other people, take pride in doing the dishes for them. Some people insist on spending hours if their lives arguing over who is going to do the dishes, but this is counter-productive. The best way to encourage a person you live with to do their dishes is to take initiative and do all of the dishes in the sink. Eventually they will recognize the burden they’ve put on you and begin to do their own dishes. This will make your shared living space much more enjoyable.
- Put away all of your dishes. Now that all of your dishes are clean, dry them and put them away. This way your counter top is completely uncluttered.
- Have less dishes. You may find that you have too many dishes. Some people have 25 coffee mugs in their cupboard, why do you have 25 coffee cups? You can clean the cup you used for coffee in the morning and use it again. You only need one cup per person, plus as many as you might have guests for tea. I find that three coffee cups is more than enough for a person who lives alone, four if you live with one person. If you throw a dinner party tell your friends to bring a mug, or invest in recyclable plastic or paper cups for the occasion.
Eventually you the habit of dish washing will become a habit that you do regularly and with great appreciation. Your kitchen sink will never be full of disgusting dishes. At this point congratulate yourself, you’re awesome!
You’ll be surprised, doing the dishes regularly will effect many other aspects of your life. The part of your mind that is always worrying that you have to clean the dishes when you get home will be silent. You’ve entered a brand new world full of clean dishes and an uncluttered kitchen.
“To my mind, the idea that doing dishes is unpleasant can occur only when you aren’t doing them. Once you are standing in front of the sink with your sleeves rolled up and your hands in the warm water, it is really quite pleasant. I enjoy taking my time with each dish, being fully aware of the dish, the water, and each movement of my hands. I know that if I hurry in order to eat dessert sooner, the time of washing dishes will be unpleasant and not worth living. That would be a pity, for each minute, each second of life is a miracle. The dishes themselves and that fact that I am here washing them are miracles!†-Thich Nhat Hanh
If you enjoyed this story, please share it with anyone you know who could use some improvement in the dish-cleaning department. You know who I’m talking about.
If you’re new to my blog, and you enjoy reading about the topic of being more minimalist in your life, please consider signing up to receive free updates via rss or email.
November 2nd, 2009 § § permalink
Written and Photographed by Everett Bogue | Follow me on Twitter
When people think about minimalism, some of them think that it’s really hard and it involves throwing out all of their stuff and being a freegan or something. It doesn’t. Minimalism is about small steps toward a simple goal. It’s totally achievable, but the idea of running around with just a backpack is really terrifying for folks who have a house full of stuff and a packed schedule.
You’re not going to be a minimalist overnight, but by taking tiny steps you’re getting there slowly, and more important, simply.
If you can do one of the things on this list today, you’ll be a little more minimalist, and that helps! Yes, they’re small, but that’s fine. Maybe try doing one of these once a day for a hundred days? Maybe some of them will stick, and then you’re doing 100 things that make you more of a minimalist. That’d be pretty cool, and I think you can do it!
Here is 100 things you can do today to simplify your life and become more of a minimalist.
1, Recycle, donate, throw away one item.
2, Eat one less mouthful.
3, Spend one less dollar.
4, Drive one less mile.
5, Watch one less movie.
6, Count how many things you own (I own 79 things.)
7, Drink one less cup of coffee.
8, Cook one meal at home.
9, Think one freeing thought.
10, Walk to the store once.
11, Work one less hour.
12, Spend a half an hour meditating.
13, Skip dessert.
14, Skip the soda.
15, Drink one glass of pure water.
16, Cook with carrots.
17, Cook with kale.
18, Give one less gift, give a hug instead.
19, Bike to work for one day a week.
20, Walk around the block instead of anything.
21, Plant one plant that you can someday eat.
22, Write one list about how you could be more minimalist.
23, Read Tammy’s RowdyKittens.
25, Read Leo’s Mnmlist.
26, Read Dave’s Minimalist Path.
27, Donate one book after you read it.
28, Email one story about minimalism to your best friend.
29, Write one minimalist thing somewhere prominent in your house.
30, Read Walden by Thoreau.
31, Create one piece of art with one tool.
32, Do one thing at work that you’ve been meaning to do, but have done fifty things instead.
33, Take a plane trip somewhere with only a backpack.
34, Unfriend one friend on Facebook.
35, Unfollow one person on Twitter.
36, Follow me on Twitter.
37, Cook without meat for one meal.
38, Sit in front of a fire for an hour.
39, Sit under a tree for an hour.
40, Watch birds for an hour.
41, Dedicate one hour to reading a book.
42, Unplug your TV for one evening.
43, Write one paragraph on how you could become more minimalist.
44, Donate/recycle/trash one memento that you’ve cherished since high school.
45, Tell one person you love them.
46, Take the train to work once.
47, Take one yoga class.
48, Give some of your money to a charity that helps starving children.
49, Quit your job that you hate (don’t worry, you’ll be okay.)
50, Write one blog post on minimalism.
51, Tweet once about minimalism.
52, Dream one dream that you could never do if you had a house full of stuff.
53, Redefine your idea of success as being freer.
54, Work from home for one day.
55, Turn off the lights for one day.
56, Walk on a beach with a friend, once.
57, Make your own coffee in the morning, once.
58, Make one payment to get yourself closer to being out of debt.
59, Walk down Broadway between Houston and Canal in Manhattan and don’t buy anything.
60, Walk down Hawthorne in Portland without buying anything.
61, Read a book in a bookstore without buying it.
62, Take your lunch to work for one day.
63, Cancel your cable TV.
64, Cancel your Netflix.
65, Delete your Facebook.
66, Turn off your phone for one day, call everyone back the next day.
67, Don’t drink one more beer.
68, Do one action without doing any other action.
69, Watch a butterfly.
70, Watch a fruit fly.
71, Clean your counter top so the fruit fly goes away.
72, Clear your desk.
73, Take everything out of your car.
74, Decide what you’d take with you if you left today.
75, Realize that you can’t take it all with you when you die.
76, Think about what people will remember you for when you’re gone.
77, Send one short email that conveys just as much information as a long email.
78, Have one friend over to dinner.
79, Spend one day with your dog.
80, Subscribe to this RSS feed.
81, Buy one (necessary) thing with that jar of change that everyone has.
82, MP3 and sell/donate/recycle/trash one CD.
83, Stay home for one friday/saturday evening.
84, Take a photo of a tree.
85, Buy one less boxed thing at the grocery store.
86, Avoid buying in bulk once.
87, Breathe slower and more steadily.
88, Close your eyes for ten minutes.
89, Smile at someone you don’t know.
90, Walk slower.
91, Say thank you, smile, and look into the eyes of someone you don’t know.
92, Sit on a park bench.
93, Lie on a beach (with sunscreen on.)
94, Leave your house without a backpack.
95, Leave your house without your cellphone.
96, Sell/donate/recycle/trash one object you haven’t used in a month.
97, Sell/donate/recycle/trash one object that you haven’t used in a year.
98, Think one thought for 15 minutes.
99, Do one yoga pose.
100, Text your girlfriend/boyfriend/someone and tell them that you love them.
Whew, that was a lot of thinking for one morning.
If you like one of these ideas, share them with one person.
I probably left some out, can you think of one thing that you do to be a minimalist? Leave it in the comments.
October 26th, 2009 § § permalink
Written by Everett Bogue | Follow me on Twitter
We’re living in a society that is rapidly evolving to point where we won’t have to live in any one specific place. I’m currently working on a website for a woman in New York, I’ve been illustrating for a company in San Francisco. I’m working on a magazine with colleagues in New York, Mumbai, and Peru.
It doesn’t matter where you live anymore.
It used to be that humans had to wake up every morning and go into a place where they could communicate with human beings in order to get things done. But now communication has evolved to the point that people, who choose to, can interact with everyone all over the world.
Minimalism is the ultimate freedom from being tied to a place or location.
On November 18th I’m going to be getting on a train to Chicago, where I’m going to exist for the next few months, before returning to New York for a bit.
How often you move around is simply restricted by how much you should choose to build up your collection of junk in any one area. Many people are still renting large homes, and then slowly filling them up with stuff that they don’t necessarily use.
This makes it impossible for them to achieve this dream, this reality of existing without the need to be in any one place at any one time.
In broad strokes, this is how to achieve this dream:
- Limit your belongings to only the things that you can carry. The absolute essentials.
- Start interacting with the internet as a source of doing business.
- Start moving around. Just get on a plane and see where you end up.
Easy, right? Well, it’s not that easy, but it’s a goal you can achieve. It’s made possible by the technical advances of the last ten years.
Oh, I watched this Ted Talk yesterday by Seth Godin. If you haven’t watched it already, you really should. It’s about how ideas travel in the modern day.
October 23rd, 2009 § § permalink
Yesterday, I discussed some of the fundamental problems that are associated with clutter. How we get it, where it comes from, why we have it, and how to get rid of it.
In today’s post I’m going to keep it simple and just discuss my favorite time-tested method to improving your clutter situation.
Clearing surfaces, a simple way to combat clutter.
Everyone has a number of surfaces in their household, how many varies by how big your house is. The most important ones are usually your kitchen counter, and your desk. If either of these spaces are cluttered, you’re bound to have trouble being productive making food or doing your work.
Ideally you want every surface in your household clear of things, except maybe intentional ornamentation. Like a tiny potted plant, or a picture of your cute girlfriend.
How to combat this clutter:
1, Start small. If you’re overwhelmed by the clutter, pick a small corner of your surface and start there. If you’re clearing the kitchen, do the dishes first, dry them, put them away. If you’re doing your desk, start by clearing objects blocking your mouse movements, and then move to the junk behind your monitor.
2, Find everything a home. Every object that is sitting out needs to have a place where it gets put. If it doesn’t have a place, you need to find it a place. If you can’t find a place than seriously question whether you need the object.
3, Get rid of things. If you don’t use it, you probably don’t need it! Don’t be afraid to recycle, donate, or trash objects that aren’t useful to you.
I have a one-month rule, if I don’t use it at least once a month than I probably don’t need it. Ask yourself whether or not you use each and every object, if the answer is ‘yes’, then keep it. If the answer is ‘someday’ than perhaps you should reconsider whether or not you need the object.
4, Try a thirty-minute cleaning spree. Sometimes I like to just go crazy, and I’ll set aside thirty minutes to just blow through cleaning a space. I usually do this by throwing everything into a bin and just making the surface completely clear. Then I use a dishrag to clean it, and then I deal with what’s in the bin.
5, Aim for absolutely clear. At the end of the day, your surface should be absolutely clear. Everything is put away, ideally where you can’t see it. I promise you that you’ll really enjoy looking around your house at all of the cleanliness.
Here’s a more comprehensive article on uncluttering over at Zen Habits.
Let me know how you’re tackling clutter in the comments! (yes, I have comments now. Yay!)